The show L’Absolu, presented by Cie Les Choses de Rien, promises to be a true artistic escape at the heart of the Théâtre du Centaure in Marseille. Blending poetry and metaphysical circus, this 1h10 performance invites you to explore the meanders of the human soul through an immersive adventure. Aimed at audiences from the age of 10, L’Absolu immerses you in a unique universe where desire and truth meet, captivating an audience of all ages.

A poetic and introspective work

In L’Absolu, every element and every material comes to life, creating a dialogue between the artist and their environment. The creation aims to be a poetic investigation, diving into the heart of the human psyche. The mimes, the miming, and the rhythmic performance outline a universe that is both absurd and burlesque, where the quest for truth leads the spectator to reflect on their own desires and the very nature of creation.

A unique setting: The Silo

The show takes place under the dizzying tent of the Silo, an exceptional architectural space with four levels, elegant and bold. With a capacity of one hundred spectators, the Silo offers an unprecedented visual experience. This setting makes each performance unique, inviting the audience to rediscover their sensitive perceptions by confronting themes of nothingness and infinity.

Logistics for spectators

Spectators must arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the session. It is recommended to be attentive to punctuality, as latecomers may not be accepted for certain performances. Don’t forget to bring discount proof as well as an ID to benefit from preferential rates.

Accessibility and practical information

Unfortunately, for technical and safety reasons, it will not be possible to accommodate individuals in wheelchairs during this performance. It is advisable for those interested in this work to consider these logistical elements when planning their visit.

L’Absolu is more than just a show: it is an invitation to explore the limits of our imagination and to reflect on the challenges of existence. Through this original creation, Cie Les Choses de Rien plunges us into a world where art becomes a mirror of our desires, our quests, and our relationship with the infinite. With unique performances and an exceptional setting, this show promises to be a true cultural getaway in Marseille, captivating the seats and minds of those who venture in. The Théâtre du Centaure then transforms into a place of wonder, where each performance is an unprecedented exploration of human emotions and creativity. By attending L’Absolu, you will not only be part of an audience but will join a collective adventure that celebrates the magic of circus and the depth of the soul. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience a moment out of time, to feel the echoes of poetry and learn to see the world from a new angle.

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